Monday, 25 April 2011


The other project I'm working on is making a chicken coop. So far I've only cleared the area for it and grabbed some scrap 2x4's from the dump.

There's an old dog run on the property that we are using, but we'll have to re-make the fence to make it predator proof. I might turn Niska's house into a portable coop for the layers next year and keep the meat birds in the one we build this year.

Spring means bird migrations. Smithers lies on the flyway for sandhill cranes. Our place gets constant flybys during this time. Flocks of hundreds pass every few hours for about a week. Here's some catching photos near our yard.


  1. Those crane flocks are amazing - they haven't begun passing through these parts yet, but even when they do I haven't seen groups that big.
