Sunday, 22 May 2011

Obama's new digs

It may be a step down from the White House (a little dirtier, too many roommates, not as nice of a view), but he/she gets fed regularly with fresh clean water and it's a consistent temperature throughout the day.

We were supposed to wait until June 22nd for our order of chicks, but we were able to get some heritage breeds (21 barred rocks, 4 buff orpingtons, 1 buff Brahma) about 10 days ago and I got impatient. So far we have lost an orpington (we named it stink eye due to the nasty abscess around its eye) and named the Brahma, Obama. Hopefully, it doesn't end up being a cock/meat bird.

The past week has been crazy because the coop was not complete... until yesterday. However, I'm happy to report that they are out of the house and into their new digs.
Note faux hardwood, linoleum floor.

I scavenged all of the wood for the coop, but I had to cough up some money for some insulation.

Ventilation. Tin roof I was able to get from a friend's old house.

I also caved and bought new plywood for the interior walls (easier than puzzling it all together). I haven't given them full reign of the coop yet, so they are in an area coop for now.

Obama Brahma with its' feathered feet.

1 comment:

  1. you should paint the 'hope obama' poster on it. But that is likely to get you lynched in smithers...
