Wednesday, 13 July 2011


I moved to the desert. Sort of. It has been raining all month.

My view is nice.

I'm near the Thompson River.

And some badass scenery.

I also bought a canoe.

And took it here.

For these.

Much water left to explore. The blue squares are stocked lakes.


  1. You bought a canoe!! Awesome! Looks like a great spot you got there... the scenery is definately very cool in Kamloops.

  2. Nice boat...maybe someday soon we can get the siblings together for a Hellman Kootenay family portrait:)

    Kamloops doesn't look so bad...maybe I've judged it harshly in the past. Does it smell like sage in your house?

  3. Jeez, it looks like you're dynamite fishing? Some DFO biologist you make.

  4. Saves time on the cooking.

  5. No sage-y smell. But I did see some wild cacti up the block from my place.

  6. This blog has now officially influenced Yukon Government communications concerning stocked lakes - seeing your last image, I was inspired to create the same for here. After a bit of wrangling (our Director had to sign off on it as a communications piece), here it is:
