Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Me and Dre in a few yrs

I got this photo from:

(in case the hyperlink didn't work)

It was labeled: Casual Tuesday, Everything goes with jeans

This is so hilarious for a number of reasons, but 2 are worth mentioning here:

1) Is this Mom, Dad, and their 2 daughters; or is it Dad and his 3 daughters?

2) Why are Dad's nipples so low on his body? There is so little space between nips and belly button, but so much between nips and shoulders. WTF?

The original website is a good way to spend a min or two.

1 comment:

  1. 1. you will be way fatter than that

    2. you will be way balder than that

    3. I imagine your pose will be more like your previous post
