Saturday, 19 March 2011

Token ptarmigan photo

I just stumbled across this photo and thought I would post it. Steeve slayed something like 14 ptarmigan and we bbq'd the legs. I don't know if ptarmigan cycle, but there were none up there last year. Hopefully I limit out this year.

Nature's stupidest and tastiest bird - or is that pheasant?


  1. post the ones from J and A's wedding- specifically the ones with the pheasant legs on the grill in that neat pattern

  2. haha. YES. fuck. Kim just said she won't give me those photos. That would be almost on par with Jesse's post.

  3. that would have been better than my post. kim, i think you should give over the photos. i wasn't there, only saw the after photo so i can't really remember what it looked like.

  4. I don't think it was my camera - I can only find phallic pancake photos.
