Sunday 19 June 2011

Caw Ridge Captures

Ok, the last Caw Ridge post for a while. My season is done until September when hopefully I draw for sheep up there.

I'll get this out of the way. Here is the 'gored' photo. She weighed 55 lbs and had horns that were 11 cm long - this is average size for a one year old.

Now I know looking at the wound you want to call me a pussy, but it's been 10 days and it's still tender - and I could barely walk the for the first two days after it happened. Her horn probably went more than halfway in. It was a pretty slick move to watch - as I grabbed her shoulders she casually put her horn into my leg.

OK, now onto captures:

I was doing all the weights this year which was pretty awesome. We have 3 electronic scales and we end up getting a tonne of data. For the first group of 25, I got weights on 20 of them. We hide behind a blind while doing this.

When we don't drug them and if all goes smooth, one person grabs the legs and the other the horns. After a bit of wrestling and rope work, we carry them out of the trap

We then (Radio) collar them

And measure them (well only Steeve does this part)

And finally release them.


  1. Next time I want a video of you getting gored.

  2. Did you have to go all Guantamo Bay on the one that gored you? She's like the goat-equivalent of Omar Khadr.
